The Brow is Gone

March 31st, 2018—the day history was forever altered. One move and everything changed. It was life changing. It was all over the news. It was all over social media. It marked the end of an era. Everyone was quaking. “The Brow”, Anthony Davis, has done something monumental. Prior to this historical event, the Pelicans player and NBA all-star took to Twitter in a poll that would decide his fate: should Davis shave his unibrow? The polls ended in a 51% to 49% split and the decision was made. It had to be done. That fateful afternoon on March 31, Davis tweeted “The people have spoken, time for a little change” as well as a video of him doing the deed.
Nope. It was all a prank.
April Fool’s day has tricked us all. On April 1st , faith was restored. Davis took to Instagram and posted a picture, with his unibrow fully intact and captioned it “Come on y’all!!! Y’all knew I wasn’t cutting it” Peace is restored. We can all sleep comfortably knowing “The Brow” still has one brow.